Lighting the Way for the Liberal Democrats

Lighthouse Liberal Democrats

Prater Raines are proud to be the developers of the Liberal Democrats’ membership management portal “Lighthouse”.

Lighthouse is an internal Party online management application, which gives the  secure access to Party information to the officers of the local party and other internal organisations that need it.

Lighthouse has been built with compliance, administrative logging and security in mind, it has  a user interface designed to be simple to use from desktop to phone. It’s a bespoke application built on Symfony 4, which is a PHP Framework. The Party Salesforce database performs many functions for the Party such as  membership management, donation recording, committee membership recording, and various required reports. Lighthouse acts as as the front end for many of those systems.

The system includes:

Lighthouse is intentionally modular, and will see new functions added over the coming months. Forthcoming features include expenses reporting and support for candidate selections.