A Fair Tax on Flying – with Added Email Your MP functionality

Email Your MP functionality

Tendo Consulting approached us to make some updates to the Fair Tax on Flying site which was part of a campaign they were working on for a client.

There were a number of content changes to the site. A key new feature required was to rebuild the existing “Email an MP” functionality. This was designed to use up to date open source data and give the ability to look up the appropriate MP from a supplied postcode.  Additionally, then providing different suggested email texts based on the user’s selections.

This we did, building our own WordPress plugins to add the functionality. This project involved updating an existing site on its own existing hosting.  As the hosting was not provided by us, it did add some complexity to the project. However, we’re really pleased with the result!

We work with organisations and companies, understanding their needs and working with them. We can provide an “Email Your MP “functionality to your campaign.

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