As of now, emails we send from all domains that we hold are signed with DKIM, Domain Keys Identified Mail.
We have been using SPF, Sender Policy Framework for some years. This helps prevent spoofing emails and is used to in detect spam and phishing emails. However, by using DKIM in addition to SPF it ensures our customers are getting better security. Domain Keys Identified Mail is an email authentication technique that verifies an email’s domain to help ensure that emails have not been tampered with during transit. We can then filter or reject email that fails the DKIM check.
This applies to all emails sent from email accounts and websites that we provide: just another built-in feature of our service!
Tendo Consulting approached us to make some updates to the Fair Tax on Flying site which was part of a campaign they were working on for a client.
There were a number of content changes to the site. A key new feature required was to rebuild the existing “Email an MP” functionality. This was designed to use up to date open source data and give the ability to look up the appropriate MP from a supplied postcode. Additionally, then providing different suggested email texts based on the user’s selections.
This we did, building our own WordPress plugins to add the functionality. This project involved updating an existing site on its own existing hosting. As the hosting was not provided by us, it did add some complexity to the project. However, we’re really pleased with the result!
We work with organisations and companies, understanding their needs and working with them. We can provide an “Email Your MP “functionality to your campaign.
Well this IS nice: an article on our local paper about the H G Wells Short Story Competition 2017, with Prater Raines named as a sponsor.
The Prater Raines team took on the running of their WordPress website for the competition in 2017, providing volunteer support to manage the site, update content and editing the site.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Prater Raines Ltd are delighted to announce that Stewart Christie will be joining their growing team from mid-April.
Sandgate-based Prater Raines develop and support websites and data systems for a wide variety of clients. They formed in 2002, developing a website service that rapidly grew to be the largest supplier of Lib Dem websites.