
Read the latest blog on our projects and new developments in areas like security, WordPress and Typo3. The team at Prater Raines write how projects have progressed with challenges that have been faced. We like to keep you informed in technology and security updates.

September 30, 2009
by Gary Fuller

Gurkha Justice Campaign

The Gurkha Justice Campaign was one of the most successful lobbying campaigns of the last 10 years, delivering justice for Gurkhas who had fought for the British Army but were denied citizenship of this country.

Prater Raines Ltd supported the online campaign with expert advice, domain registration, website set-up and design, site and email copy-writing, email dispatch, and campaign management.

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August 10, 2005
by Gary Fuller

Alliance Party

The Alliance Party of Northern Ireland is Northern Ireland’s largest cross-community, anti-segregation, anti-sectarian political party.

Since 2005 Prater Raines Ltd has provided the party’s national website and the party leader David Ford’s site.

We’ve worked closely with Alliance on the design and functionality of their sites.

The national site is a high traffic political website built on top of dependable hosting with room for growth. When the election of Naomi Long to the Westminster parliament caused a sudden 30-fold increase in traffic, we were able to handle the spike effortlessly.

April 7, 2005
by Gary Fuller

Lib Dem Image

Liberal Democrat Image sell party branded goods and support material for Liberal Democrat activists and campaigners online and by phone.

With a wide range of different products, many personalisable and available in different varieties, their online shop needed to be budget-conscious yet flexible and easily updateable.

The site includes a secure checkout, integration with their payment provider HSBC, and can authenticate party members for the sale of restricted products.

October 1, 2002
by Gary Fuller

Liberal Democrats

Tim Farron MP Homepage Screenshot

Foci2 is our affordable, custom-built, fully-featured, customisable website application for Liberal Democrat groups.

The service costs just £17 +VAT per calendar month with a one-off fee of £42 +VAT for setting up a new site. The monthly fee includes everything you need to get online.

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