How to Configure your Email

If we provide your email you can read it online using the supplied username and password at our webmail application.

To read or download your email in a desktop application we recommend Mozilla Thunderbird. You’ll need to choose whether you want to read your email on one or more devices.

If you want to download all your email onto your current computer, choose “POP3” as the incoming account type when you set up your account. In this case you will not be able to read your email on more than one computer, mobile phone, or tablet, or use our webmail application.

To share your email between more than one device or between your device and our webmail application, choose “IMAP” as the incoming account type. In this case changes you make from any device or the webmail application (such as deleting or sending email) will affect other places you read your email. Bear in mind that your email account includes a limited quota. If you choose to use IMAP any emails you do not delete from your account will count towards your quota.

If you use Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook, Evolution, KMail, or Kontact, your account details are configured automatically by entering your email address in the account setup, and you do not need to enter the server names, ports, or your username manually.

For other mail readers, including mobile phones, you may need to manually enter the details:

Type Server name Port Secure connection Authentication Username Password
Incoming server (for just one computer) POP or POP3 110 or


Required (TLS or STARTTLS) Required Will be provided to you when we create the account Encrypted
995 or


Required (SSL)
Incoming server (for more than one computer) IMAP 143 or


Required (TLS or STARTTLS) Required Will be provided to you when we create the account Encrypted
993 or


Required (SSL)
Outgoing server Internet email: SMTP 587 Required (TLS or STARTTLS) Required Use same settings as my incoming mail server

If you experience any problems with setup, please email or call 01303 905 245 during office hours.